My team and I were tasked to develop a mobile app experience for the Top of the Rock rooftop experience at Rockefeller Center. We noted the different behaviors of rooftop visitors as they interacted with their mobile devices and created a multi-function application to meet all of their needs.

The premier feature on the app is the "Virtual Viewfinder" which utilizes augmented reality to superimpose destination points-of-interest onto the New York City skyline.

"Top Destinations" and "Coming and Going" features give users details on New York City's top attractions such as parks, museums, sports arenas and transportation hubs.

Within the "Extras" menu, users can download high-res souvenir panoramas as well as explore exclusive retail and restaurant offerings while visiting Rockefeller Center.

Top of the Rock at The Rockefeller Center / mobile app / UX/UI design, art direction, graphic design, photography